Thursday 30 June 2011

Dream ~ Cliffs

When I have the time, if I think about going somewhere far away before falling asleep, I find myself in an exotic place, with some lesson to learn.

I allow the dream to unfold and work hard to remember it before I go to sleep so when I wake up I analyse the dream.

I had this dream I was descending from the sky unto some beautiful white cliffs. I was standing on the top of one and didn't dare look down because I was afraid to fall. Someone came to my side, he was standing next to me and even though I didn't look at him, I was listening to what he was telling to me.

He told me I could do anything I wanted to, that I could go ahead but I still didn't dare move from there. So after a while said: "what are you scared of, why are you so shy?"

I replied: "well I would like to go to the other cliff over there but I don't know how to, I have no idea what to do."

He said: "you are free to do whatever you want to, you just have to think about it and do it. After all, this is your dream."

I then realised I wasn't being held by the laws of gravitation as the ones on Earth and I could perhaps fly or jump. So slowly I descended in the air next to the cliff and stood on a lower cliff. Then I noticed some other beings, I think there were three of them, standing on another cliff and I overheard them say: she is always the same.

When I woke up I kept thinking of this dream, first of all because it was all beautifully white, then because I wished I dared fly, jump or something, but I didn't. Why was I so cautious? 
I guess that is the way I behave in life too. I sometimes think too much. 

This dream was a message for me to action things I have kept inside and that I don't dare do.


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