Thursday 23 June 2011

Dreams Landscape


There are a few layers to the dream. Imagine a landscape and the way things are significant to you alone, then more to the people that surround you, then more to all of humanity and finally a message that is universal, not only valid here on Earth but everywhere in the universe. 

The layers of a dream can be described as follows:

The first layer is for the dreamer, the individual who is dreaming. Everything has to do with the dreamer her/himself. This layer holds much truth because it is personal. While trusting your ability to interpret your own dream you will find the result you are expecting on a personal level. 

The second layer is more about the group of people you interact or live with. Or the community or city you live.

The third layer is a global one for humanity. It has more to do with a collective guidance, some global activation for people in general. All connected in energetic synchronicity. 

The forth layer is where the communication between yourself and you guides or Higher Self occur. 
When I have one of these dreams I am aware of a message from myself (my multi-dimensional being) to myself. These are important dreams that stay with me for a long time thanks to the vivid colours and emotions in them.

These are my favourite kind of dreams where I get to meet my multi-dimensional self. They are significant because words and codes are triggers in a multi-dimensional level, when my frequency is tuned in to this imagery during the dreamtime my light-body formation or transformation is taking place.

I consider myself a dream-worker because this aspect of myself is very developed. 

 Somewhere in England

I hope you were not expecting an Inception kind of explanation, HAH. If you were, please see this link:
And this one:

Nolan's map of dream layers - Inception

In my next blog I will explain the meaning of certain dreams and a common dream I have as analysed by experts.


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