Sunday 26 June 2011

Dream ~ Blue Female Being

I was very fortunate to have met amazing women in my life not only my mum and grandma but also teachers, headmistresses, sport coaches, bosses and business inspirational women who have given me the strength to carry on when I found myself in difficult times.

I celebrate them all each time I have the opportunity because not many mention women and their extraordinary work. In my adult life I have spent most of my working days surrounded by men and I realised how much I miss women's friendship. 

Only women have given me an answer each time I was lost. And luckily I have never lacked the inspiration to ask for help.

These women (apart from my mother and my grandmother) were/are: Mrs Wenny Stanley, Dawn Taylor, Mme Cockx, Pepper Lewis, Dr Katja Walter, Petra McGuire (Magenta Pixie), Elizabeth Feisst, Courtland Kusmierz, Kathy Doster Chevalier, Margaret Domi and Barrie Davenport.

I had a dream end of last year that was significant in the way that I had never met someone I didn't know in my dreams ever before! 

I have only shared my dream with Petra last December and she gave me an insight into myself that I had no idea I was lacking, symbolising the balance between the male and feminine aspects.

Petra took the time to explain all about this dream and I was very grateful because not only I realised the struggles I was experiencing at work but also how much they were impacting me, so much so that I was reminded in my dream to embrace the divine feminine aspect in myself  in my daily life since the divine feminine is primarily associated with balance and if we are not ‘balanced’ then our gifts lack clarity and we can't operate allowing the results we want to manifest.

If you are interested please visit her website:

My dream started like this... 

I was walking inside a shopping centre on my way home and it was probably in London or some big city. At a certain moment there were people looking outside and going quickly to the doors to look what was happening.  

I went outside of the shopping centre and started walking in the direction other people were going. I suddenly saw a young man was standing on the edge of a building/house. 
Then noticed 9 other young men standing on podiums or high tall walls. A thin young man appeared on the highest building and stood at the edge and all the people were clapping and cheering. I could hear people around me say: he is the chosen one! He was looking to the crowd below and said: "The time has come" or "Now is the time". 

I seemed to know them. I remember nodding and smiling in recognition when I was looking at each one of them.

I kept looking around, thinking: there are only men here.... and kept looking until I noticed another group, on kind of podiums as well but lower ones than the ones the other group was on. These beings standing on the lower podiums were a smaller group of probably 5 calm beings.

Suddenly something caught my eye and time seemed to have stopped. Everything was in slow motion and there was no sound.

At this stage I was really interested in the dream because I have personally experienced more than once this feeling when time is out of synch. I realised I was in a dream and was expecting something extraordinary to happen.

I saw a beautiful, very pale being and thought: a female at last! I glanced at her again and found she was looking at me. I wanted to look around but I couldn't take my eyes off this beautiful being. She was still looking at me, not blinking... she was still, standing there. 
I walked forward and approached her because I thought she had something to say to me and realised that she wasn't human. She was so pale she was blue. Her little blue eyes were beautiful and for a split second I thought of Scottish women and those little blue eyes they have. She was wearing a long blue dress and a blue cape... all was blue. 

This image stayed with me for so long... There were no words, no ideas, nothing, just calmness that seemed to have lasted for ever!

Suddenly there were lights in the sky and I thought: these are UFOs..  They were passing very fast on top of our heads in the sky and thought: "I will capture these with the camera in my iPhone. So I will have some proof." I got the iPhone out of my pocket and told Leon (my boyfriend, who happened to be there as well) "UFOs look!" I started filming the lights and they were moving very fast. I captured on my iPhone 3 lights far away, moving fast and then so many other lights joining in... all moving in a spiral kind of way, like a galaxy when suddenly the outlines of a UFO ship appeared and the lights faded away. The ship was huge.
I woke up then...

I had never had any dreams of E.T.s or UFOs, so I looked it up just to see if other people out there were having similar dreams, there was a lot out there on the internet but nothing really involving the blue "goddess" I had seen. I tried to go back to that dream so many times but I never managed to.

Petra's interpretation was: "Now is the time" as this was the time for me personally seen from the first layer of the dream. From the second and third layers: this was the time for humanity and Earth. The codes and the language of light were speaking directly to my very DNA resulting in cellular memory awakening. The chosen one standing high up on the podium signifying the raise in frequency. From the forth layer, the female being is the divine feminine of  the collective guidance energy entering the dream time. From the third layer coming into Earth itself. Represented as the E.T. frequency, because it was then that I saw the UFO within dreamtime. The final recommendations were to trust my intuition and to remember the dreamtime experience because the imagery and energy they bring would help me in my personal inner transportation in a multidimensional level navigating my future timelines.

The explanation Petra gave me satisfied so much that I stopped thinking about it. 

I now noticed that "the purpose of words is silence, if they create more noise then they haven't reached their goal" just as in the dream: silence.  It may also mean that I was in the process of going through some inner changes in my life. Perhaps working on expanding my way of thinking.

Each one of us has our own views on what the Divine Feminine means. Whatever your personal views might be by engaging and working with the healing energies of the Divine Feminine, we embrace all that there is – and we achieve balance.

This year I came across an article of this famous beautiful face we all have seen and I have to admit that nothing has touched me more than the story of the famous photograph: 
"Afghan Girl"

In December 1984, Afghanistan was five years into a bloody civil war between the Soviet Union, which sought to maintain a Marxist government there, and anti-government Islamic rebels called mujahideen.

Millions of refugees were pouring over the borders into Pakistan to escape the fighting.
National Geographic photographer Steve McCurry was in the region for a story on the refugee crisis. While touring a refugee camp on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, he entered a large tent that served as a girls school. The first child he saw was a shy girl with fiery eyes, about 12 years old.
McCurry approached the girl, and she agreed to let him take her picture.
"I didn't think the photograph of the girl would be different from anything else I shot that day," he later recalled.
What emerged was a searingly beautiful image of a young girl with haunting eyes who came to symbolize the plight and the pain and the strength of her people.
National Geographic chose a close-up of the girl as the cover photo for the article, which ran in the June 1985 issue. Her sea green eyes striped with blue and yellow peered with a mixture of bitterness and courage from within a tattered burgundy scarf. The "Afghan girl" touched the souls of millions.
A Mystery for Years
Her name was Sharbat Gula, which means "sweetwater flower girl" in Pashtu, the language of her Pashtun tribe. But McCurry and the world, wouldn't know this or any other details of her tragic life until 17 years later.
Sharbat Gula came to Pakistan in 1983 after her parents were both killed in a Soviet air raid on their Afghan village. She had trudged through the jagged mountains in winter for nearly two weeks with her grandmother, brother, and three sisters. She had lived in several refugee camps before coming to the one where McCurry met her.
McCurry said the photo of her "summed up for me the trauma and plight, and the whole situation of suddenly having to flee your home and end up in refugee camp, hundreds of miles away."
In the years after the photo was published, McCurry attempted several times to find Sharbat Gula again, but to no avail. A trip to Pakistan in January 2002 finally bore fruit. He returned to the same refugee camp, still open, and showed her photo around. A man who had lived in that camp as a child recognized the girl and told McCurry he knew her brother. He would go and get her.
Afghanistan has known precious few days of peace since the 1979 Soviet invasion. But years ago, during a lull in the country's many conflicts, Sharbat Gula had returned home to her village in the Tora Bora region. Now, after three days of hiking, the man from the camp returned with her and her family.
Examination by a local ophthalmologist and an iris-recognition test from a New Jersey lab revealed that this woman and the schoolgirl in the photo were the same. The Afghan girl was found.

"She's as striking as the young girl I photographed 17 years ago," McCurry said.
Sharbat Gula's face bears signs of the hardships she's survived, but her unforgettable eyes still glow. She does not know her exact age, but she remembers the day Steve McCurry came to her school tent. She lives a simple, anonymous life in Afghanistan with her husband and three daughters.  She'd never seen McCurry's famous photograph. She had no idea her face had become an icon. A devout Muslim, Sharbat Gula agreed only with her husband's consent to appear without her chadri, or burka. 

National Geographic published her story with before-and-after photos in April 2002.

Please check the link below, because in my opinion she embraces pretty much the Divine Feminine. I find it extraordinary that such an iconic girl never knew how many people had seen her photograph at all.



  1. nice one did u see the time it was posted ? :)

  2. I only just noticed!

    Thank you for reading my post Shan, I hope you liked it.
    Hopefully some of the amazing women I mentioned on this post will read it.
