Wednesday 29 June 2011

Dream ~ Shared

I would like to write about a mutual dream my sister and I had when we were little girls.

We shared the same big room and as we woke up we went to the window to see if we could see what we both had dreamed.

In a golden light we both dreamed that our Mum and Dad were coming home riding a white and dark horse respectively. There were people in the streets cheering at them when they were approaching our house and my sister and I were at the window watching them. I was 4 years old and my sister was 3, we used to live in the outskirts of a busy city nowhere near fields or horses at all.

Upon waking up we told each other the dream and we thought that the dream was for real because it was hard to believe that we both dreamed the same dream.

After a while we went to ask Mum if she had been riding a horse in the street in front of our house. Obviously she said no. 

I wonder what my parents thought of my dreams because I must have told them my dreams very often. My Dad used to call me "dreamer" not Carolyn, HAHAH.


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