Monday 27 June 2011

Dream ~ Dolphin

I often dream that I am flying over the water. 

When this happens I instantly recognise the dream and I kind of smile in my dream in recognition of a nice get away because it is like holidays to me. I travel in the sunshine over the blue water to these set of white arches on the water.

For years now I kept dreaming of this place every now and then. 

All I could see was the blue water and the white arches. Sometimes I was in the water, sometimes flying or floating over the water, sometimes swimming, sometimes on a small boat, but always the same feeling of happiness, the blue water and the white arches.

I had this dream a few weeks ago again, but this time a dolphin surprised me as it jumped out of the water to my face. I pulled myself upwards frightened and time stopped. 

In slow motion the dolphin stayed in the air close to my face and immense "love" was flowing towards me. Our eyes met and we stared at each other for so long. I think I could now recognise this dolphin if I ever met him/her again because it had a particularity, had some markings, like freckles on the right cheek and was smiling at me. It took me a while to smile back and I regretted this when I woke up because I wished I had thanked him/her or that I had come closer to hug the dolphin or at least touched him/her. Doh.

When the dolphin eventually fell back into the water he/she started swimming fast and I decided to follow flying over the water. After a while I knew the arches were there on my left hand side but I was not looking at them, I was watching where I was going, so looking at the water. Suddenly the dolphin  stopped and looked up, not at me but in the air next to me.

I looked around and I saw this beautiful castle.

I had the feeling I knew this place, but it was the first time I had actually looked above the arches in my dream. I woke up and after I had had breakfast I decided to look up if I could find this place on the internet.
It took me ages, because I assumed it was some dreamlike place in a fantasy so I was looking in the wrong place... but I found it! I couldn't believe it actually existed! I was ecstatic when I found it! 

It is the Château de Chenonceau in France. 

I lived in France, and have been on holidays so many times but nowhere near this place in my current life time. When I went to the website I found out that I have been dreaming of the inside of this castle as well! I seem to recognise the corridors, windows and chimney on the website's photo gallery.

The gardens are magnificent and I have many dreams that I walked in similar gardens.

I feel very privileged to have found the place of my dreams because it is not that far away and I could perhaps visit at some point and... all of that thanks to the dolphin who had showed me it. 

A dolphin is seen as a positive dream sign by dream interpretation advocates. They represent intelligence, joy, happiness, friendship, willingness and ability to explore and navigate through one's emotions. 
It symbolises spiritual guidance and emotional trust encouraging me to utilise my mind to its capacity and move upwards in life.


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