Saturday 25 June 2011

Dream ~ Neurons

Well, I am now going to start sharing all my special dreams...              
the ones classed as lucid dreams and hope you will find them interesting. 

I had a dream earlier this year about the brain.

I could see as if I were travelling myself on an electric current or flow at incredible speed, inside my brain.

I can't remember the beginning of the dream or how I got there but I could understand perfectly how it all worked.

I could see how the function of a neuron was to receive information from other neurons, to process that information, then to send information to other neurons. The neural communications started with an electric zap down a neuron stimulating chemicals into the synaptic gap. These chemicals in turn became an electric zap repeating this process over and over again in symphony of fascinating complexity billions of times.

This grid, where so much bright light was travelling was identified as the synapses. 

While on this flow I was being told how neurons can generate themselves from any cell of the body and work perfectly fine as neurons! Every cell has the potential to become something else because what it true to the individual it true to the whole.

Upon waking up I thought of this and thought of the different layers of the dream.

If the information was just for me, I could understand that one cell could potentially create something else in the body, sounded like fun.

If the message was more global it could mean that we all share this potential, probably as a human race all together.

In the 4th layer, a more universal layer the meaning was perhaps that what is true to an individual is true to absolutely everything as One!

Later I stumbled upon this article on the news... Amazing!



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