Tuesday 28 June 2011

Dream ~ Sky Symbols

My best dreams, the ones I am looking forward to when I go to bed, are the ones involving the sky because they are rare.
They don't happen often, probably once a month, but when they do I am somewhere else, as if I were in another dimension inside the dream where I receive knowledge of some sort. 

I love when this dream occurs!

Last month I dreamed I was going home walking on a summer evening back from work and I encountered an old lady who wanted to write and sell my story, I just ignored her and carried on walking. Then a bit further going up the stairs I see someone I know (Magenta Pixie) talking to this old lady, I passed next to them, didn't stop to listen to what they were saying and walked home. It's funny because there are no stairs at all on my way home from work, but this indicates that I was achieving a higher level of understanding. And matching this person I know and trust to this dream up the stairs symbolises progression into my spiritual or emotional journey.

Once I arrived home, I entered the huge garden (not my current garden in this life time), I pass the front garden and entered the side of the garden that leads to the back of the house (and back garden.) The electric gate started to close itself and I realised that I couldn't go back to the front door so I decided to go to the back garden and I stayed a bit in the garden. Suddenly I see something of an electric colour appear in the sky, coming closer and closer in front of me.

Different shapes in different electric colours appeared one after the other. Drawings in geometric forms in different colours.
I run inside the house to look for the camera but when I went outside again the forms in the sky were fading. I wish I had drawn on a paper what I saw once I was awake, because I can't remember the exact shapes now.

I remember another dream I had involving the sky. I was at the edge of the world, I was getting bigger and bigger standing on our small planet and could see the other galaxies closer by.  A bit like "Le Petit Prince" on the planet.

A formula appeared in the black sky and someone was telling me the formula for Kinetic Energy, that is for an object that is moving the kinetic energy equals one half times the mass of the object times the square of the speed of the object. In symbols:
EK = (1/2)mv2

I was able to move objects with intent only because I seemed to have understood what I was being told. It was an amazing dream and I wondered when I woke up if  reading about Tesla's vision of how rotating electromagnetic fields could be used in a new form of electric motor the previous night had something to do with the dream.

This is last night's sleep cycle

This morning, before 6 am (that is when my partner woke up to go to work) I dreamed I was at some dinner party and when I was on my way home, walking towards a wide street something appeared in the sky. There were black horizontal lines against a dark blue sky.

While watching them rotate and move I was aware of some knowledge because had to do with polarisation, a phenomenon I know well. 

When the lines in the sky changed direction they seemed to disappear and then appear again because they carried on turning around. 

I will explain briefly what a polarised film is because polarised sunglasses are popular to reduce glare off a surface like a pavement, road, water or snow.

"A polarised film was developed around 1932. The material consists of many microscopic crystals of iodoquinine sulfate (herapathite) embedded in a transparent nitrocellulose polymer film. The needle-like crystals are aligned during manufacture of the film by stretching or by applying electric or magnetic fields."

But in my dream was to make a huge object disappear and it had to do with components in the air, in our atmosphere to have this effect. 

This dream left me puzzled the whole day and in time I will look into it.


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