Tuesday 21 June 2011

Dreaming is Essential

View out of the bedroom window, Scotland.

Dreaming is essential to our emotional, mental and physical well-being. We all dream, 
don't we? Some people could argue that they don't dream because they might not recall their dreams however, we all dream.

I would like to share  briefly about the complex and poorly understood organ: The Brain 

I don't think we are all aware that the brain is 80% water and requires 20% of the oxygen and calories of  the body's daily intake. One could think that the brain is less active during the night when the rest of the body is but the brain is more active when one sleeps. Please check this link to see what regions are more active: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/10/081008101740.htm 

Finally, the brain can store all kinds of information, it has the capacity to store everything one experiences. What we see, what we hear, what we smell, what we feel, etc. The information is stored away in different areas of the cerebral cortex, the largest, outermost part of the brain. All of the pieces of information decoded in the various sensory areas of the cortex converge in the hippocampus, which then sends them back where they came from. The hippocampus is a bit like a sorting centre where these new sensations are compared with previously recorded ones. The hippocampus also creates associations among an object’s various properties. Since different neuronal cell types are neatly organised into layers in the hippocampus, it is widely believed to be one of the main neural mechanisms by which memory is stored in the brain.
The different type of neurons transmit impulses that travel at different speeds. This is why one can recall information instantly and sometimes it takes so long to remember something. And... it appears that  the smarter you are, the more you dream (not proven fact.) 


Our dreams often reflect issues that we struggle with in our life (our day to day routine) therefore one needs to consider one's current life situation to interpret one's own dream. Interestingly, they can offer a creative solution to issues or challenges as well as helping explore one's feelings. 
Once you start exploring and reflecting on your dreams, you will gain a better understanding and insight into your own personality. They say a dream has the fascinating power to unify the body, mind, and spirit... well, what a unique outcome to something we usually disregard when we wake up.

Ernest Hoffman, director of the Sleep Disorders Centre at Newton Wellesley Hospital in Boston, Mass. USA, suggests that "...a possible (though certainly not proven) function of a dream to be weaving new material into the memory system in a way that both reduces emotional arousal and is adaptive in helping us cope with further trauma or stressful events."

But I believe dreams are more complex than that...

If one considers the way in which the nightly dream world mirrors one's conscious, waking world. In order to decode the meaning of events in your waking world, and receive inner guidance about them... the dreams are mysteriously the solution. 

DL Zeta's message on July 18th 2010 (http://www.ascensioncentral.org/channeling/DL-Zeta/spiritualpeople/44) explains what I believe dreams might be

Dream Experiences Are Real And Can Change Your Life

Your guides and higher self will always respond to the efforts you make in your waking life to work with your dreams. The effort you make in your waking world to remember and interpret your nightly dreams determines the degree to which decoding takes place within your dreams. At the same time, any conscious attempt to grow spiritually will expand the range of travel itineraries available to you in your nightly journeys.

Dreams Are Multi-layered Messages from Other Aspects of your Self

Any attempt to unravel your dreams is important and will bring results. The act of remembering and interpreting dreams is a first step. Dreams occur at many different levels, each one consisting of layered meanings. Just as there are parts of your waking world that remain unseen and unrealized until your awareness expands sufficiently to comprehend them, additional layers of your dreams are accessed with an awareness expanded by hundreds of simple dream interpretations. It is in this daily practice of working with dreams that you become fluent in the language of your soul.

This fluency opens the door to many forms of intuitive communion. Do not underestimate the importance of your dreams. They are a valuable window to the workings of your inner world. Whether awake or asleep, you are always experiencing multiple dream states simultaneously.

You may wonder how dreams are created and who is sending the messages you receive in your dreams. Both the form and message of dreams come from aspects of your self that exist beyond the boundaries of your conscious mind.

Conscious 'Waking' Dream States

One layer of dreaming involves shared dreams. Your conscious awareness has, for example, agreed to take part in many different dream states with others for the creation of shared experiences. You weave in and out of these many different dreams with variations of intensity. Sometimes you bring your focus into a few dominant dreams for concentrated learning experiences; at other times you expand into many dreams you are sampling in search of veins of needed experience. There is always an expansion and contraction of your conscious dream states depending on the purpose for growth and learning at the time. A soul that has just completed an intensive learning experience may choose to enter into an expanded sampling of many conscious dream states to fish the streams of life's possibilities for a time before moving into another intensive period of focused learning. All conscious, waking dreams seek this balance of learning states that, when observed, resemble the cycles of the in breath and the out breath. This is important to keep in mind as this state of fluidity and flux in one’s conscious dream states can fall into judgment when not understood within proper perspective.

Some shared dream experiences are created by spiritual contracts that sometimes span lifetimes. There are souls you agree to meet while on the Earth plane for specific purposes. These soul contracts are based upon a higher purpose such as learning unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion. Sometimes these shared dreams are created to alleviate karma created in other lifetimes. Alleviating karma is essentially an attempt to gain needed understandings. 

Discernment and Shared Dream States

As your awareness of shared dream states increases, you will become more discerning of the dream states in which you participate. Beware of any shared dream states you participate in by default. In your world, there are those who seek to manage and regulate conscious dream states -- their own as well as those of others. This is sometimes done for material gain by a government or industry. Intentions associated with this management and regulation of consciousness determine its outcome and karmic lessons. Conscious waking dream states are also regulated by motivations set forth as “spiritual” or “religious.” These are generally carried out with a careful interweaving of one's earliest consciousness with belief systems that support regulation through religion. The there also may be friends, family or others in your life who seek to control and regulate your conscious dream states in ways that are not aligned with your highest good. Begin following the threads of your shared dream states to gain awareness of their true essence. This will help you determine if they are worthy of your energy. 

The Awakened Consciousness and Dream States

The regulation and management of waking dream states can only occur when the consciousness is not truly awakened. Once one begins to awaken inside the conscious dream, the outside regulation and management of one's conscious dream state becomes less and less possible. The awakened consciousness takes over the regulation and management of its own waking dream, working in closer communion with one's guides and angels and higher self to develop conscious agendas for spiritual evolution and world service.

This conscious awakening extends into nightly dreams experienced during the sleep state. It is here that the consciousness can truly excel, for the subconscious mind exists outside the time and space continuum of the conscious dream. It is here that the conscious awareness is able to experience other dimensions, perform world service by astral journeying to sites of suffering and catastrophe, and assist lost souls in moving on in their spiritual evolution. Not all the “guides” and “angels” who assist on the earth plane are disincarnate. 

The above message is excerpted from her website: http://www.celestialvision.org/

I hope you enjoyed to know more about why we  dream. I will share the most commonly dream types we can all recognise on my next post.


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