Friday 1 July 2011

Dream ~ Caves

I have dreamed of this a few times over the years.

We are a group of close friends, family or tribe who must do this long swim under water, for survival. Kind of emigrating or moving into another safe place for the winter, perhaps?

I always practice my breathing for a few minutes before I actually go under water. There is always some close friend or brother with me who is training to breathe in and out a few times before we go.

So we are at the entrance of a cave and we have to swim under the rock deep inside the water all the way until another opening where we come out inside of the cave to stay or remain there for a while. 

The swim seem to take for ever and I always feel I will not be able to hold my breath all the way while I am swimming and it is extremely hard, but I always make it in the end.

In my current life, I am a poor swimmer I have to say and I have never done any sports or discipline involving going under water like this at all.

The feeling is great in the dream when I come to the surface and the feeling of achievement is even greater.

It obviously signifies self discovery.

 To dream that one is swimming underwater, suggests that one is completely submerged in one's feelings. In some way I am forcing myself to deal with my unconscious emotions.


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