Tuesday 5 July 2011

Dream ~ Outer Space ATC

I will share the episodic dream I am having for a few years now.

This is my nightly job when I go to sleep, it seems. I always go to work to this place which is a white room, walls made of glass in space. 

This dream is about a future timeline that I can only access in dreamtime.

I go to this job almost every night as I as do when I go to work in my daily job when I am awake, only in the nightly job I am totally in control and all works perfectly well, of course!

I don't always remember if I have dreamed of this when I wake up but most of the times if I think about it before I go to bed, I do. At least a short dream, like an episode, every night.

There are colleagues who work with me and a few times I found myself talking to them but most of the times I am alone doing all sorts of calculations and using complicated instruments that I don't recognise when I am awake.

To get to this place I sometimes take a lift made of glass, sometimes a sort of train again in glass across 2 different space stations, sometimes I just enter from my room to what seems to be a lab, because it is all white and with glass windows and glass walls. 

I think I am an (air traffic controller) ATC in space.

I work on different computer screens with different data on targets and specific radar video mapping with flight operations within an airspace somewhere in the Universe.

There was this time when I was calculating some data and I suddenly run into another room and this huge metal instrument similar to the picture on top of the page was in the middle of the room. 
The whole instrument was rotating and the semi-circles were going at different speeds. For some reason I had to wait until all the little spheres where aligned to launch some computer program. 
There was another colleague in this room, a girl I used to work with in Europe and we both made sure that we achieved the results we were looking for. We managed all those spaceships and without stress, which was awesome. 

When I think of  an ATC job in NASA for example, I assume it is a high-stress work environment. This fast-paced environment suits me perfectly well in the dream.

There was this time a few weeks ago when something awful happened. I was on my way to my nightly job, walking in one of this full glass wall corridors when at the end of the corridor outside the window a robot appeared out of nowhere and shot me!

The shot came straight to my chest and because I was just walking towards this huge window thinking of nothing I was too slow to react and all I could see was the white robot fly away taking the huge cylinder gun with one arm. I was in so much pain I couldn't move. So much so that it was difficult to wake up. I was like, "okay now get me out this dream" I slowly woke up and my chest was so sore that I couldn't move to stand up and go to have breakfast, etc.

I lay there and started to think about the dream to work out what the meaning was. I thought of the different layers always starting with the very first one which concerns me.

My first thought was: this is a message from myself to Carolyn! So I always go with my intuition. 

This was a warning to say: you either stop, change direction, turn around or this could end up badly. Things at work weren't going too well and I was spending too much time and energy thinking about them.

I went to work as usual and had the reminder of the pain on my chest the whole day, so I took it easy, did my job, went out for lunch walked most of my lunch hour in the sunshine and at the end of my shift left on time. When I was back home I decided not to spend any minute of my time thinking about work as I would usually do and went to bed early that day.

The next day I decided to change my strategy at work, I took everybody's opinion into account and decided to see my opinion as the wrong one and change my views. When I thought I was doing so well the carpet was lifted from underneath my feet and I felt I was falling from an incredible hight when I was accused of all sort of things. I couldn't believe what was happening to me and took it very personal. 

A few days later, when I had lost all hope and thought things would never change something incredible happened. Unexpected! The system we were working on (computer program) changed... luckily to my advantage!!! 

The dream didn't change however, I'm still going to the white lab and work very hard on formulas I have no idea when awake. 

I went to work the other night and as usual I was alone working away and when I realised I had been working for a long time I looked outside and it was very dark, so I went to the toilets before going home. When I looked into the mirror I saw I was losing so much blood from my mouth, then nose... I washed my face and wanted to go but the bleeding didn't stop.

I suddenly woke up (full bladder maybe) and remembered the dream, I checked the time and it was only 7am on my day off so I decided to sleep a bit more. 
When I finally woke up at half past ten, hahahha... I looked up what could it mean to bleeding in my dream; This is the what I found: To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood, signifies that you are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained. http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/b2.htm
A few days ago I dreamed I was putting some tiny white boxes on shelfs in the lab I was working and started crying so much, I don't know why and couldn't stop crying but then I saw familiar faces coming into the room I was working in, people that I love very much and care about in Scotland , and that seemed to put a stop to the tears.
To dream that one is crying, signifies a release of negative emotions that is more likely caused by some waking situation rather than the events of the dream itself.
This is what the dream interpreters say: Your dream is a way to regain some emotional balance and to safely let out your fears and frustrations. In your daily lives, you tend to ignore, deny, or repress your feelings. But in your dream state, your defense mechanisms are no longer on guard and thus allow for the release of those feelings that you have repressed during the day. 

This was my sleep cycle that night, very irregular and the dream happened between 5 - 7am because when I woke up my eyes were all sticky, my hair around my face and my pillow had tears.

Last night I was on my way to work in my dream and when I entered the station to get the train I noticed the station looked different, the trains too! 

The way I normally get to work is in a small transport in the air from a glass platform to another in space. This time the train station looked different and there were lots of people at the station. When I entered the station I was wondering if my train was the one on that platform already so I walked quickly towards it and jumped on it. I had a few seconds before the doors closed but was enough time to see what was announced at the other platforms. I noticed other destinations of trains I have missed in the past in other dreams. This made me laugh, because I thought: "well now they are there!!!" 

The train started it's journey through a dark tunnel suggesting that I was exploring aspects of my unconscious and opening myself to a new awareness. The fact that I was at the train station represents a transitional period in my life where I need to reassess my situation and determine my goals. The fact that I was on the train symbolises my life's journey suggesting that I am on the right track in the right direction.

I had a dream last night that woke me up but only after I was in control of the first dream. 
I was on a kayak with 3 other colleagues on a lovely peaceful river when suddenly someone said: "hold on tight because you will be going down the cliff there" 

When we started to fall we suddenly found ourselves out in space and I personally couldn't hold unto anything and started to float away. I also realised that I was lacking air and couldn't breath and tried to come closer to the other guys and closer to the spaceship but I couldn't breath resulting in being frozen and couldn't move! I felt my heartbeat stop and before I decided to let myself go I thought: "I can change this let's move to another place, I can't be out in space, let's think of some familiar surface I can land on and with intent fall unto that surface" In my mind I went through several places I could land and finally chose the one in my episodic dream. 
I imagined the white floor of the lab and landed there. I still had so much pain in my chest and was trying to catch my breath. I was furious because nobody seemed to have helped me back to the spaceship when I was out in space and I found myself all alone on that floor. Suddenly I heard noises outside the room I was in so I went out and saw one of my colleagues. I said I wasn't fine at all and he said I should ask for help and to go to the oxygen room. So I did. I arrived and I was feeling so frustrated with it all that I started crying uncontrollably. At that moment I woke up. Still with a sore chest and breathing heavily. 

This was my sleep cycle last night:


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