Saturday 2 July 2011

Dream ~ Marble Halls

I love this dream...

It's been a long time since I found myself in the golden Marble Halls, last night was one of those nights!

It always begins in the same way, I enter this huge magnificent shimmering Marble Hall with honey colour columns, well polished floors reflecting the bright light, tall ceilings and the whole scene radiating a beautiful golden light. 
When I start walking I seem to gain some knowledge as if I were learning something just by walking through it.

Last night when I looked into the distance I saw different structures, the hall appeared to get longer or larger and that was when I was aware of various geometric shapes.

These different shapes seemed to represent functions because they have their own energy or vibration in them.

The triangular shapes seemed to make me want to be alone, to meditate perhaps? 
The rectangular ones seemed to make me focus to read or study. 
The spherical ones made me feel I was in the future and the cylindrical ones were like a train or transport to other places.

After a while I realised that there were lots of people coming and going and it turned out to be a busy place.

It always is.

When I woke up I thought of those shapes and how they relate to institutions or buildings we currently have on Earth.

A rectangular Library.

A spherical Planetarium

A triangular Pyramid

A cylindrical tunnel to travel

This was my unusual sleep cycle last night... one of my cycles lasted well over 90 minutes,  the double pretty much.


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