Friday 21 December 2012

21 .12 . 2012


Woke up after my seven and a half hours sleep as usual.

Went to have breakfast and got ready to go to work. On my way to the train station I was feeling as if my neck was slightly twisted (torticollis) and thought "oh no! I must have slept in the wrong position for some reason" and tried to walk as tall as I could in order to stretch the bones, in vain.

I didn't give it any further thought and when I boarded the train I sat down followed by a few people. The young lady in front of me was talking to two other young men. As they sat down they started talking about the end of the world, at what time was suppose to happen etc, etc. One of them mentioned he had seen someone selling a survival kit online, etc, etc. Their conversation was very loud so I decided to put my headphones on and launch some tunes... thinking: I'm sick of this nonsense!

I fell asleep!

I never fall asleep on my way into work, I only woke up at the right station because people around me were getting up to get off. Glasgow is a very busy station and most people get off where I get off.

Queen Street Station

I opened my eyes and with a fright discovered I had made it into Glasgow and worse, that I had been sleeping!

In a rush, got off the train, forgot my umbrella under my seat and dropped my gloves I had on my lap somewhere on my way out.

I arrived at work disappointed but happy I was on time and didn't wake up at the end of the train journey: Edinburgh.

I worked as usual but at around 11am I had a high pitch sound in my ears, not in the one ear but in both and by lunch time I was feeling really tired again. What?

I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked sleepy, tired, pale with black circles around my eyes. I thought: "right, I'll have lunch and will go out for a walk"

I had my vegetables at lunch and went out for a walk. Outside I realised I was feeling really heavy, all I wanted to do was to lie down. Added to the sound in my ears, was the feeling of dizziness and loss of balance too.
The ascension symptoms all at once. This was the time I have been envisioning and knew I should have taken the day off but there was no way I could have done that. Too busy time of year at work.

I decided to stand near the entrance of a shopping centre in order to remain still. The usual sound of people walking and being noisy was very distant. I thought something major was probably happening to the Earth so had a look in my iPhone for the Earthquake data, and loaded the quake list. Nothing of extreme magnitude was recorded. Last time, when Japan's earthquake hit, I was feeling a little bit the same way, but less heavy.

I wanted to text my husband to say that I wasn't feeling too well, in case something happened to me but the iPhone had lost it's signal and wasn't texting. I felt like laughing because it all seemed like a dream. So ridiculous because without paying attention to the new beginning today and trying to ignore it by carrying on working my physical body had decided otherwise.

My lunch hour was nearly up so I went back to work and mentioned to one of my colleagues that I wasn't feeling great. I expected him to joke some "end of the world joke" but instead looked concerned.

I was working away when another colleague, who sits next to me, said I wasn't looking too good. I wasn't feeling sore or anything like that.

When I was on the train home from work I fell asleep again and woke up before I had to get off, luckily. Walking home from the train station I remembered a dream I had this morning! Goodness, I can't believe I only remembered then!

Now home I decided to write it down, just in case I didn't remember the details by tomorrow.

Someone I met in my dream had a very lengthy conversation with me during my sleep.

My dream went like this:

I was driving a white convertible... when I arrived to a street junction and was about to turn someone called my full name: Carolyn Aitken?

I pulled aside and got off the car. He was a bald man, I thought he probably knew me so I approached. He had the greenest eyes I have ever seen. As I was standing in front of him, he started communicating with thoughts to me, no words.

Relieved I thought: "great! I don't have to think in what language do I have to translate what I want to say" ahhh.. thank you!

I wish I could remember the conversation, because it went on for so long. I only remember going through my anatomy.  I ended my thoughts by showing him my hands. I seemed to be picturing all the anatomy of my body through my mind to his. I don't know if this was a confirmation that I was in human form or if he needed to check my wellness but he wasn't human nor was anybody I knew.

He looked like a middle age male, taller than me, bold, caucasian type of skin complexion with extremely bright green eyes (like lights). I remember thinking he was humanoid but not human.

Now, thinking back on today's events... After years of talk of the ascension process and how we would align our hearts and minds with the Universe I realised that this was actually happening today and was very real.

I guess our beautiful planet is on another level now.


This was my sleep cycle last night:

20-21. 12 . 2012

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Dream ~ White Orb

Just before I went to sleep I was trying to do some recapitulation. If you have read The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda you might know what this exercise is about.

It is one of the most difficult things to do in my opinion. It consists in reviewing one's life in order to successfully master awareness and energy. Carlos Castaneda explained that recapitulating an event starts with one's mind arranging everything pertinent to what is being recapitulated.
Arranging means reconstructing the event, piece by piece, starting by recollecting the physical details of the surroundings, then going to the person with whom one shared the interaction and then going to oneself, to examine one's feelings.

I realised that I have been trying to do this for most part of the year without success. I have a very good memory so recapitulation is the most complex thing that my mind can engage into. Harder than any math equation.

My mind wonders after a while and forgets about going into the next event or fails to see everybody in that event. I can normally manage to do this for about one hour and then either fall asleep if in bed, or realise that I was doing something wrong, so suddenly stop, get up and do something else.
I have even tried doing this eyes closed during my train journey but the journey is not long enough to recapitulate in full.

Last night while falling asleep I thought I might want to dream of recapitulating because it might just be easier in dreamland.

To my wonderful surprise I managed to recapitulate during my dream in one of my cycles!

I felt so very heavy, my body was heavier than usual and I felt I had used all my energy so I said to myself during my dream: I hope I can go to bed early because I need to sleep, my body needs some rest.
But after a few seconds I realised that I was already dreaming... usually when this happens I try my best to remain asleep and carry on dreaming... and I did! I went to bed in my dream, in my current bedroom and tried to fall asleep inside my dream but the fact that I have completed the recapitulation made me so happy that I got up and noticed a big white orb near the ceiling. I floated to the orb and asked what did it come to tell me. I shouted so loud in my dream that I woke up.

Once awake, I went to the bathroom and was a bit annoyed that I had woken up. In a flash I tried to remember everything in the dream so I could go back into the same scene.

Went back to sleep and this morning realised that I managed to go back inside the same dream, how amazing!

I went back to the orb, flying or floating. When my face just in front of it, slowly and without talking I thought of the recapitulation and how happy I was that I managed to review every single event in my life. Spontaneously the orb's thoughts were clear to me then. The orb with thoughts said to me: "now that you have recapitulated, who do you want to save? if you could save one thing."

I thought to myself: "What? I can't possibly save one! ONE!??? I love every single person I have met in my life. I thought for a few seconds and said: One thing, huh?

Well, "The Human Race" on and off planet.

To that I woke up.

I was so chuffed to have saved everyone, hahhaha... What a noble thought, I thought.

Later, when analysing the dream, this is my interpretation of it: to see an orb in a dream symbolises truth and a sudden understanding or realisation. I had clarity after recapitulating on my life events. The colour of the orb represents purity, perfection, peace, innocence, dignity, cleanliness, awareness and new beginnings. Perhaps referring to a fresh outlook on life. Then the fact that I was asked the question it could be my subconscious teasing me after thinking of everyone, in this kind of: well, who do I choose? My answer amuses me, because the orb seemed foreign and my thought is truly human trying to save her own species.

This was my sleep cycle last night:

Saturday 6 October 2012

Dream ~ Pale Moose

Last night's dream was very special.

I went to bed thinking of our world in general and our lives. What if we did exist somewhere else, on another planet at some point in our human history? What if we could remember where that was?

As I was falling asleep I asked to be shown something of this sort during my dreamtime. I actually asked if my family, my galactic family from another place could communicate with me during my dream if at all possible.

I dreamed of a few things just before I woke up, however the dream started to change into one of the cosmic ones.

I was at home, not my current place nowadays but I seemed to be the host. It was during the night, it was already dark outside. There were a few people in the living room sitting on the various sofas and we were all having some sort of chat involving our community.

At some point I stood up and wasn't listening anymore to what one of the guys was saying and left the room and went to another part of the house. This other room was huge and had a massive window/door  from the ceiling to the floor and had a view towards the woods outside.

When I looked outside there was a bright blue sphere pulsation sitting on the ground/grass. There were lots of trees and a spectacular calm view I would definitely love if I had it out of the window in my current house.

This orb/sphere was familiar. It was something I knew so I wasn't frightened but was feeling comforted by. I kept looking at the sky and suddenly a spaceship appeared, flying without making any sound very near my huge window.
I could see the pilot, humanoid by all means and what looked like three pets in there too. The pets were dogs, couldn't name the race because I'm not familiar with dog names unfortunately. This spaceship had headlights and it seemed to be looking for something/someone.

It was flying slowly and when it was just in front of my window and the headlights were beaming inside the room I run to hide. I was on the side of the window and I could still see outside. The spaceship slowly disappeared and the vision of the cosmos came into view instead.
 I could see the galaxies and stars in the distance, something out of the Hubble telescope photos when a very pale moose was entering the Earth's atmosphere. I felt I was witnessing the birthing of an animal and I was wondering what that could mean. I thought: "Why does it look like the moose is having trouble, as it passes the different layers?"

Something communicated with me and I understood that this type of species was being introduced into Earth (again?)

I woke up! And even as I tried to carry on dreaming, I was awake and the dream was fading away.

I wanted to understand why was I shown that, but not too sure I did. I thought then how we humans think we can endanger the planet and exterminate species. Well, it is not up to us who lives and who doesn't. If some living thing is meant to be there, and it isn't, it might be reintroduced. It is not up to corporations to decide what is best for "the planet" (their pockets).

Dream interpretation 

To see a moose in your dream represents long life and longevity. It may refer to the elders around you. Alternatively, a moose indicates that you can be both powerful and gentle. You exert your power only when it is necessary.

This was my sleep cycle last night:

Friday 24 August 2012

Dream ~ Red Portal

As I woke up from my dream this morning I saw a red capsule door spinning slowly and disappearing into the distance as I was realising I was waking up.

I tried to keep the thought of what I was seeing in front of me, as to fall asleep again and dream more  but I opened my eyes instead, checked the time and saw the light of day through the curtains.

Best thing to do, I thought, is go to the computer and write it straight away ;-)

The small capsule door was kind of a metal one as the ones one can find on a capsule that is sent into space. The colour was deep red and the spinning of the light around it made me feel I just passed through that portal back to reality (back to my bed).

I looked it up and it appears that recently more and more people are having similar dreams.

This is what Mona Bhattacharya wrote about the red portal in May 2012.

The red portal is the opening for all energy rooted in the physical. Anything of solid form is created by the energy of the reds. Whenever you want to manifest something into your physical reality, accessing this energy is you friend. It could be money, a beautiful body, or a relationship!
Red is the native region of planet Earth and so it’s no surprise that all us earthlings always seek to manifest. When in the red, we are following one of our most fundamental instincts. Sharpening your instinct will make you attuned with your environment, helping you identify opportunities and act on them with swiftness and grace.
The red portal of the planet is opening. This is the portal that corresponds to the base of the spine. The organ it activate is the rectum. Over the past few weeks as we go through a global shift the amount of RED energy we have acces to has quadrupled.
I cannot express the importance of this shift and what it means. Firstly, it is the native center of the planet, so the planet is waking up on a visceral level. That means the earth, the lava, the trees – every physical thing on the planet is activation PHYSICALLY. And humans, being an animal species on the planet are also feeling this stimulation.
The red portal is the channel through which all of our earthly desires are fulfilled. The desire for abundance, the desire to FEEL good, the desire to feel at home- like we belong, the desire for body beauty, the desire for sex.
In case you are wondering – Desire is healthy. What makes desire unhealthy is our judgement of it. Desire is required for something to become itself. So for example if you desire sexual energy, its your “souls” way of letting you know that your creative active forces need rejuvenation. Problems arise when we are led falsely believe that “we dont have it” and need it from someone/somewhere else. The red portal is the source of this energy and tuning into it activates it.
The reason why this energy has been kept under wraps is because, it is the most powerful energy. When a person has activated this portal the desire is fulfilled and they are now resonating with LIFE FORCE. Yes! that what sexual energy is. If it creates life, it has the potential to create abundance, manifest anything, fulfill ALL needs.
A quick “how to” of the day-
How to create a need based culture?
Cut of supply to the red portal by tuning SEX into taboo. People should be told to not enjoy it, lead them away from it strategically. Create distraction, and feed with commodities.  :-)
How to create an abundance based culture?
Instill healthy empowerment of the red portal. Encourage enjoyment of life force energy. Cultivate the joy, bliss and power which is an inherent part of it. Let the body fulfill all need naturally.
Bliss is your BIRTH RIGHT!

The full article is here:

This was my sleep cycle this morning, I woke up and tried hard to fall back asleep but then got out of bed. The red portal happened just before 9am:

Sunday 29 July 2012

Dream ~ Aurora

I dreamed I was having dinner with some friends and family at a very large table. The room was beautiful and huge, the type one only sees in hotels or big receptions.

There were big windows with views to the horizon and suddenly I saw a bright green aurora arcing at the horizon.

Looked spectacular and I turned around at told my friend (a photographer) that there was an aurora outside and excited he grabbed his camera and we both went outside to take a photo. 

I called out for my husband to bring the tripod to me and when he brought it I realised that we were in an extraordinary position to take photos, we were up a hill and could easily see the horizon and the aurora.

This dream's interpretation is excellent :

"To see the aurora borealis in your dream represents renewed energy, vitality, awe, insight and youth. You will experience clarity in some situation or relationship. A positive spiritual experience will fill you with warmth and love. In addition, you will also gain some amazing new wisdom and knowledge. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you know what you need to do, but may be too lazy or too afraid to jump into action."

This was my sleep cycle last night:

Saturday 7 April 2012

The Art of "Dreaming"

After reading Carlos Castaneda's book: The Art of Dreaming I went to sleep remembering the different gates of dreaming.

It was very easy to remember the things to focus the attention on and this being my first night after reading the book I woke up after my first dream at 2am and remembered every detail.

I remember a huge loft painted in white and one of my friends was saying: "it's so morbid in white, we should splash some colour"

I thought it looked nice and clinical, but then... I like white.

My second dream, I was saying goodbye to my mum and my sister who had come over for the wedding. But then back home I told Leon that we forgot to do everything we had planned: the meal we had booked and the visit to Edinburgh, etc.

I remembered every detail in the dream, everything we are planning for the wedding that is in 2 months time, I was reviewing all our plans.

The third dream was about going to a conference I am planning to go in 2 weeks and I was saying hi to the PhD student who is going to give the talk, but something unusual happened: I woke up in the dream and said to myself "no this actually didn't happen yet."

To that I woke up...

I have been so busy with million other things that I didn't even finish Castaneda's book. I need to read some more ;-)

Thursday 5 April 2012

Dreams ~ CHEMISTRY: Periodic Table

If my chemistry teacher in high school knew I've been dreaming of the elements and seeing the periodic table in my dream last night he would probably smile.

When I woke up at 2am after dreaming of the position of some of the elements in the periodic table I remembered that when I was in high school at an oral exam I told the teacher that there was too much going on in my life at that moment, that I was moving abroad and was visiting places I would never see again, seeing my friends and staring at their faces I would never see again, eating food I would never taste again and simply trying to squeeze as much of the images I could in my memory before I left the country. Above all... I made the bold statement: I know how important chemistry is but right now I have no time for this, I promise I will look into chemistry in depth in the future, now you can ask me the questions.


I have no idea what the teacher thought of that, but upon reflection now, I must have been very confident (or insolent) to say something like that (aahhh teenagers). So peculiar I remembered this episode in my life after so many years… HAHAHAA..

The teacher said: if you are actually leaving the country for good, there is no way I will let you go with no Chemistry knowledge. It would be a disgrace if abroad they thought you are an example of an Argentine student and you will not be a good ambassador when this country is so rich in Chemists and of all sorts of people engaging in science. 

I was still feeling very strong. I waited for the questions and was ready to tap into my memory and general knowledge to answer them even though I had not studied for the exam.

After the 5 questions he said seriously: you passed.

I can't remember if he had actually asked very easy questions or if I had the answers right when drawing the sequence on the board but what the teacher didn't know was that he left an impact with those words he said and I was going to fulfil my promise and study chemistry when the time was right.

I was already good at being curious and looking into subjects that would have some significant application on my everyday life. Like food. 

I started studying nutrients in foods since I was about 12 specially because I was into a lot of sports and needed to eat well. As a result, I had a basic knowledge of chemistry but was only when I moved to France years later that the association of different elements and the way they can help or affect our energy became a priority.

Many studies have been done on this subject of course, but I found that ultimately the best guidance is listening to one's own body needs and giving the particular nutrient/element that is lacking when required. 

In my case if I don't listen to my body early enough I will get the message in my dream, so sooner or later a reminder of Chemistry will come to the foreground.

Last night I dreamed of the element 19 that is "K" in the periodic table. I know that Potassium is involved in nerve function and that would explain why I woke up from the dream feeling pressure in my cervical disk area (neck), feeling all in all very weak and with an upset stomach.

I quickly thought of something I could find in the kitchen that would help and ate a banana. It took me forever to do this, firstly because I was sleepy and don't usually eat at night, secondly because I had no energy to accomplish such a task, even breathing seemed such an effort.
When I went back to bed, quickly fell asleep and my upset stomach seemed to be put to rest as well.

In the morning I was happy I had payed attention to my dream since the potassium and essential nutrients in the banana were easy to digest and provided me with what I needed to see me through the night until breakfast. 

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Dream ~ Meditation

When I woke up this morning I remembered dreaming I was lying down still.

The colours around me were so much vibrant than the colours we naturally see.

I was lying down still and naked on top of what seemed to be another body bigger than mine. My body was kind of in the middle because there was space all around me.

The surface/body I was lying on was flat and violet and there was a lilac light at the edges of this other surface.

I was asking myself why was I there and why was I meditating in such a colourful place on top of what could be another body of mine. I remember asking if I wasn't too heavy and a male voice replied I was so light.

With that I woke up.

This was my sleep cycle last night
