Saturday 6 October 2012

Dream ~ Pale Moose

Last night's dream was very special.

I went to bed thinking of our world in general and our lives. What if we did exist somewhere else, on another planet at some point in our human history? What if we could remember where that was?

As I was falling asleep I asked to be shown something of this sort during my dreamtime. I actually asked if my family, my galactic family from another place could communicate with me during my dream if at all possible.

I dreamed of a few things just before I woke up, however the dream started to change into one of the cosmic ones.

I was at home, not my current place nowadays but I seemed to be the host. It was during the night, it was already dark outside. There were a few people in the living room sitting on the various sofas and we were all having some sort of chat involving our community.

At some point I stood up and wasn't listening anymore to what one of the guys was saying and left the room and went to another part of the house. This other room was huge and had a massive window/door  from the ceiling to the floor and had a view towards the woods outside.

When I looked outside there was a bright blue sphere pulsation sitting on the ground/grass. There were lots of trees and a spectacular calm view I would definitely love if I had it out of the window in my current house.

This orb/sphere was familiar. It was something I knew so I wasn't frightened but was feeling comforted by. I kept looking at the sky and suddenly a spaceship appeared, flying without making any sound very near my huge window.
I could see the pilot, humanoid by all means and what looked like three pets in there too. The pets were dogs, couldn't name the race because I'm not familiar with dog names unfortunately. This spaceship had headlights and it seemed to be looking for something/someone.

It was flying slowly and when it was just in front of my window and the headlights were beaming inside the room I run to hide. I was on the side of the window and I could still see outside. The spaceship slowly disappeared and the vision of the cosmos came into view instead.
 I could see the galaxies and stars in the distance, something out of the Hubble telescope photos when a very pale moose was entering the Earth's atmosphere. I felt I was witnessing the birthing of an animal and I was wondering what that could mean. I thought: "Why does it look like the moose is having trouble, as it passes the different layers?"

Something communicated with me and I understood that this type of species was being introduced into Earth (again?)

I woke up! And even as I tried to carry on dreaming, I was awake and the dream was fading away.

I wanted to understand why was I shown that, but not too sure I did. I thought then how we humans think we can endanger the planet and exterminate species. Well, it is not up to us who lives and who doesn't. If some living thing is meant to be there, and it isn't, it might be reintroduced. It is not up to corporations to decide what is best for "the planet" (their pockets).

Dream interpretation 

To see a moose in your dream represents long life and longevity. It may refer to the elders around you. Alternatively, a moose indicates that you can be both powerful and gentle. You exert your power only when it is necessary.

This was my sleep cycle last night:

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