Saturday 7 April 2012

The Art of "Dreaming"

After reading Carlos Castaneda's book: The Art of Dreaming I went to sleep remembering the different gates of dreaming.

It was very easy to remember the things to focus the attention on and this being my first night after reading the book I woke up after my first dream at 2am and remembered every detail.

I remember a huge loft painted in white and one of my friends was saying: "it's so morbid in white, we should splash some colour"

I thought it looked nice and clinical, but then... I like white.

My second dream, I was saying goodbye to my mum and my sister who had come over for the wedding. But then back home I told Leon that we forgot to do everything we had planned: the meal we had booked and the visit to Edinburgh, etc.

I remembered every detail in the dream, everything we are planning for the wedding that is in 2 months time, I was reviewing all our plans.

The third dream was about going to a conference I am planning to go in 2 weeks and I was saying hi to the PhD student who is going to give the talk, but something unusual happened: I woke up in the dream and said to myself "no this actually didn't happen yet."

To that I woke up...

I have been so busy with million other things that I didn't even finish Castaneda's book. I need to read some more ;-)

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