Sunday 29 July 2012

Dream ~ Aurora

I dreamed I was having dinner with some friends and family at a very large table. The room was beautiful and huge, the type one only sees in hotels or big receptions.

There were big windows with views to the horizon and suddenly I saw a bright green aurora arcing at the horizon.

Looked spectacular and I turned around at told my friend (a photographer) that there was an aurora outside and excited he grabbed his camera and we both went outside to take a photo. 

I called out for my husband to bring the tripod to me and when he brought it I realised that we were in an extraordinary position to take photos, we were up a hill and could easily see the horizon and the aurora.

This dream's interpretation is excellent :

"To see the aurora borealis in your dream represents renewed energy, vitality, awe, insight and youth. You will experience clarity in some situation or relationship. A positive spiritual experience will fill you with warmth and love. In addition, you will also gain some amazing new wisdom and knowledge. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you know what you need to do, but may be too lazy or too afraid to jump into action."

This was my sleep cycle last night:

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