Saturday 22 October 2011

Dream ~ Friend

The following dreams are about colours and their meanings in each situation.

I was at some conference inside a huge dark room with a speaker on a stage far from where I was sitting, there were so many people in that room. At a break I went into the hall area and spotted someone I knew. I was really happy to see him, so I approached him and hugged him briefly while saying hi and as I was going apart he hugged me back and held me like that for so long. We hugged for ages... Only then I realised he was wearing a red shirt and I was bathing in a loving feeling. I woke up to go to work and during there day when closing my eyes I could still feel this.

The colour red has deep emotional and spiritual connotations. Red indicates raw energy, force, vigour, intense passion, aggression, power, courage, impulsiveness and passion.
During this particular dream the colour red denoted my urge for energy, swiftness and enthusiasm from this person towards me. 

This was my sleep cycle that night:

September 25th

 I was out for lunch and saw my friend outside, I took his hand and asked him if we could have lunch together to catch up. We started walking in the city towards the cafes and restaurants. A colleague from work started walking near me and seemed to be wanting to talk to me, so I thought I shouldn't be holding hands with my friend just incase this work colleague wanted to join us so I walked away from my friend for a bit. My work colleague was in a rush so quickly walked in another direction so my friend and I carried on walking to find a place to have lunch. We were walking for a long time and were going up some stairs with black railings. I remember these railings because they were so shiny and black.

Black symbolises the unknown, the unconscious, danger, mystery, darkness. It also signifies a lack of love and lack of support.  The colour black invites to delve deeper into the unconscious in order to gain a better understanding of oneself. 

When we reached the 3rd floor in this open space I noticed he was wearing a yellow jumper and to be honest I rarely see someone with this colour, it was a striking woollen hand made kind of jumper. I kept looking at it because I have never seen him wear such a jumper. The colour represents deceit, disgrace, betrayal, cowardice. I took it to be the fear or inability to make a decision or take action. 

This friend of mine is someone I hold dear in my heart  but we rarely talk to each other, basically we are not close friends at all. It happens so that I haven't spoken to him and was meaning to do so for a few weeks now. I personally don't understand what is keeping this communication from happening. The more I think about it the more I seek an answer from the unconscious to solve the mystery in my mind. Sometimes there are clues in the way people react or behave that the mind chooses to ignore or deny but  unconsciously we know exactly what is going on.

The mystery for me is that I have no idea why someone wouldn't want to talk when given the chance more than once. 

This was my sleep cycle that night: 

October 18th 

I've seen my friend on Saturday, at last we went for lunch and had a catch up. I was relieved that I had the opportunity t
On the night from Saturday to Sunday we changed the clocks to the winter time and at 11pm I realised it was already midnight the old time and went to bed ;-) o see him and talk. Also I understood why he had no time at all.

This was my sleep cycle last night and when I woke up at 8am I remembered the dream and consciously tried to picture every single bit of the dream so that could remember. When I finally woke up at 9am I only remembered the dream that I had made the effort to remember.

October 31st 

This was my dream last night and wrote it immediately when I woke up this morning because I didn't want to miss a detail.

My friend and I were travelling to another city together to attend a conference, something to do with work. We checked in the hotel and when given the keys we went to our rooms. 
We were walking down some spiral stairs, the walls were very narrow and purple. 

I kept thinking that it was taking so long to reach a floor. We kept walking down and down and down. My friend was walking in front of me and was carrying a framed picture. To see a frame in a dream represents limitations and boundaries. Someone else may be putting restrictions. In this case my friend is putting the restrictions on me and this dream may be a reflection of a guilty conscience. 

Everything was purple at this point and purple is indicative of devotion, healing abilities, loving, kindness and compassion. Also justice. When the stairs ended we were in front of a wall, I panicked and thought we were trapped but he pushed into the wall with the frame he was carrying and we landed in a huge suite. To see a wall in a dream signifies limitations, obstacles and boundaries. The fact that it was him going through the wall and not me breaking down the wall, it means it wasn't me breaking through the obstacles or overcoming barriers but more his desire for some freedom and independence.

This room was so huge and luxurious that only hotels can manage this sort of environment.  
I noticed we were given the same room, never mind it was enormous and had two huge beds at opposite sides of the huge place, it was still the same room.
When I looked around the room there were glass bowls with coloured sweets everywhere, on every piece of furniture there was a bowl with sweets. Sweets represent indulgence, sensuality and forbidden pleasure. Perhaps I have been depriving myself of some joy or pleasure and the dream is a way for me to reward myself. Strange because I never eat sweets, but this doesn't mean the unconscious doesn't know the meaning of it .

Finally, to dream of a new room, suggests that I am developing new strengths and taking on new roles. Perhaps growing emotionally. So it was a very positive dream and I'm comfortable with the accurate analysis of every bit of the dream. I had a dream last night, well just before I woke up, that I was at work and somebody asked me if I was going to the staff party that night. I said yes and noticed my friend was looking at me so I asked to come close and went to hug him. There was nobody in that huge place so I started to dance with him. To dream that one is dancing signifies intimacy and a union of the masculine and feminine aspects of one's life. I was leading the dance indicating that I am in control of my personal life. 

Dec 18th 2011 

This morning I woke up to go to work and I was just dreaming of my friend!!! 
As I slowly went to the bathroom and then kitchen I made the point to remember the dream.

It was a peculiar dream because it was a dream inside a dream. I was on a bus, I had fallen asleep and had seen people in bright blue uniforms on that bus in my dream. Suddenly my friend woke me up and told me we were getting off at that stop. I said I was dreaming but quickly pulled myself together and decided to leave the bus.
We were in a futuristic bus at a bus stop and we, with lots of other people got off the bus.

The doors opened upwards and everything was in glass and transparent. Once I got off the bus I couldn't see my friend immediately and I thought he was gone but when I started to walk I saw him waiting for me at the corner of a narrow street.

He extended his hand for me to join him. I gave him my hand and off we walked. I looked around and asked him if he knew the way because I couldn't remember and he confirmed he did. Once I looked up some streets going up a hill I recognised the corner of those streets in front of me and told him I knew where we were. 

That corner was in Brussels, the street my work was and also my flat a few years ago. But the buildings were painted in yellow and they are actually not as I dreamed them. The yellow is symbolic of intellect, energy, agility, happiness, harmony and wisdom.

We arrived at the lobby of a restaurant (that particular area of brussels has lots of restaurants) and there was some music on. There was nobody there yet so I approached my friend and hugged him. The moment I hugged him I was thinking of the bond and the connection I was building at that precise moment and imagined white spiralling lights going from me to him. The moment the kind of fractal light that left my body was about to touch his, he stopped hugging and carried on talking to me but further away from me.
At that moment I thought that it was strange the moment I was about to come closer we were apart.

This was the sleep cycle last night. 

December 18th

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