Friday 2 December 2011

Dream ~ Moon inhabitants

I had a very revealing dream last night and left me thinking about it all day. Let me tell you about it...

The other night I dreamed of an incredibly stunning woman who was there in my dream, like a presence.

The dream started in London I was walking in the streets of London just shopping away when it was getting dark and I decided to go home.
I stepped into a taxi and this beautiful, sophisticated African woman was already inside the taxi. I was sitting opposite her and we didn't talk (very unusual for me to say nothing, at least out of courtesy). There was an immense silence outside too, as if time had stopped.

Last night's dream was in Scotland again, I was walking up some hill and could see the water when looking up at the horizon. The sun was setting and it's colour was bright orange and so beautiful.

The same stunning woman was there again standing near me. She said nothing but I had the idea that she wanted me to see something or meet somebody.

Along came a young woman who quickly started talking to me. I noticed she looked different, like nobody I knew so I asked her where she was from because I have travelled a lot around the world and didn't seem to locate in my mind someone looking like her, specially when I'm very good at that! The beautiful African woman was still there with us but didn't talk.

The young woman said she lived on the Moon, and she made contact with me because it was important for me to know what she came to tell me.

I asked her how could she live on the Moon and where exactly. She said the race is similar to humankind on Earth but didn't breath in the same way humans do. She also said they lived underground, that there were cavities on the Moon's landscape and she lives inside one of them under the Moon's crust.

I then asked her if she needed the sunlight, as we do here on Earth. She said they do.

She then explained that there were some crystal formations that reflected the light perfectly. I couldn't quite picture this so she made an image possible for me to see in my mind.

It looked like giant pyramids of solid quartz crystals next to what looked like an extinct volcano.

I mentioned that I have never heard of this before and when looking at the Moon with the telescope I couldn't really imagine something like that. She said nobody could possibly see it with a simple telescope like mine.

I asked why she contacted me and she said that she did it because she knew:

-I was open minded enough to understand
-I would believe her
-My interest in the Cosmos allowed this
-To tell me that the celestial body Earth has set in motion a distress signal for the others in the Cosmos to see and come in aid.

I asked her if she knew that Mother Earth was probably asking for help and also asked her when did the distress signal was sent...

she said the moment the oil spillage occurred in the Gulf Coast.

At that moment I started to cry. I cried for so long that I woke up in tears.

If I think of this particular accident, I have to fight back the tears because it wouldn't be impossible for Mother Earth to cry for help knowing the disaster will affect all the waters of the planet.

The dream stayed with me well after I had my breakfast, but I can't possibly remember the female Moon inhabitant's appearance. I might try to dream of her again.

I thought about the dream for a long time and to dream of an African person may signify the human roots and heritage so perhaps it was Mother Earth herself or "Gaia" as I call her who was there for me facilitating the encounter.

My sleep cycle last night was:


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