Tuesday 29 January 2013

Dreams ~ Concentration Camp

I dreamed I was witnessing a concentration camp at night. Nobody remained alive, just corpses in black bags. In a frenzy I started opening the bags. I was crying for ages and screaming "why"... 

When I told friends about the dream, someone living in Australia mentioned that there had been a holocaust memorial the day before on January 27th however I wasn't aware of this. It seemed that the energies swirling about in memory of the Holocaust were felt all over the world.

In my dream, I arrived at the scene and everything was quiet, it was dark and I could see big black bags everywhere, it looked like a modern place and I had the feeling this was recent. When I looked around me I realised I was in a concentration camp.

It always takes me by surprise when I'm taken to these scenes... 

As I was opening the bags, these people were leaving, I was releasing angry souls last night. 

My whole body was white / golden light and as I opened the bags I could see human beings happy to be released, but there was one person in particular when I opened the bag she was so upset! 

She was an african lady who had suffered beyond comprehension.

I tried to give her my hand and was telling her "come on come on come on" but she was so angry, I could sense she was left without food for 2 weeks and had seen all the others die around her and she was the last one. I tried so hard to get her out but my energy started fragmenting. I tried so hard giving light away but suddenly I couldn't see her anymore, I lost her and I woke up in my bed. I could hear others say to me "you've done a great job" but I all I could think of: I left someone behind, couldn't get her.

Woke up with my face all wet with tears. 

This dream affected me all day... 

Odd things happened during the day that helped me, let me tell you more.

As I arrived at work another usual working day seemed to start until I got an email from a gentleman who I had emailed the day before who wanted to meet me. I agreed to meet him at 2pm that day. For some reason it seemed important for me to see him that day.

This gentleman explained that he studied human behaviour and wrote a few books, he was currently setting up a training course for consultants. I explained what I could do to help him and he kept complimenting me. As we were talking about work I was holding his look for a long time I asked him with my thoughts if he was actually talking about last night when complimenting me.

He was... and through his eyes, while talking about some unrelated issue, with his look he was transferring codes or formulas to me. I took them all in.

I could sense they were building blocks or regenerating codes of sorts.

After I finished work I had booked a massage a long time ago and I was so happy to go and relax.

When the beautician asked me how I was feeling, I said I was exhausted. I don't really know why I answered with"exhausted" but she then told me she was going to use a "regenerating serum" on my body and face.

How amazing! In 2 separate occasions I was offered regeneration yesterday. I would always welcome that, who wouldn't?

Even though I had woken up from a serious dream that day I was given energy during the day to carry on with the good work. It was only then that I realised that I was going to be needed again, perhaps.

After all this too is something I signed up for.

This was my sleep graph that night:

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