Saturday 7 April 2012

The Art of "Dreaming"

After reading Carlos Castaneda's book: The Art of Dreaming I went to sleep remembering the different gates of dreaming.

It was very easy to remember the things to focus the attention on and this being my first night after reading the book I woke up after my first dream at 2am and remembered every detail.

I remember a huge loft painted in white and one of my friends was saying: "it's so morbid in white, we should splash some colour"

I thought it looked nice and clinical, but then... I like white.

My second dream, I was saying goodbye to my mum and my sister who had come over for the wedding. But then back home I told Leon that we forgot to do everything we had planned: the meal we had booked and the visit to Edinburgh, etc.

I remembered every detail in the dream, everything we are planning for the wedding that is in 2 months time, I was reviewing all our plans.

The third dream was about going to a conference I am planning to go in 2 weeks and I was saying hi to the PhD student who is going to give the talk, but something unusual happened: I woke up in the dream and said to myself "no this actually didn't happen yet."

To that I woke up...

I have been so busy with million other things that I didn't even finish Castaneda's book. I need to read some more ;-)

Thursday 5 April 2012

Dreams ~ CHEMISTRY: Periodic Table

If my chemistry teacher in high school knew I've been dreaming of the elements and seeing the periodic table in my dream last night he would probably smile.

When I woke up at 2am after dreaming of the position of some of the elements in the periodic table I remembered that when I was in high school at an oral exam I told the teacher that there was too much going on in my life at that moment, that I was moving abroad and was visiting places I would never see again, seeing my friends and staring at their faces I would never see again, eating food I would never taste again and simply trying to squeeze as much of the images I could in my memory before I left the country. Above all... I made the bold statement: I know how important chemistry is but right now I have no time for this, I promise I will look into chemistry in depth in the future, now you can ask me the questions.


I have no idea what the teacher thought of that, but upon reflection now, I must have been very confident (or insolent) to say something like that (aahhh teenagers). So peculiar I remembered this episode in my life after so many years… HAHAHAA..

The teacher said: if you are actually leaving the country for good, there is no way I will let you go with no Chemistry knowledge. It would be a disgrace if abroad they thought you are an example of an Argentine student and you will not be a good ambassador when this country is so rich in Chemists and of all sorts of people engaging in science. 

I was still feeling very strong. I waited for the questions and was ready to tap into my memory and general knowledge to answer them even though I had not studied for the exam.

After the 5 questions he said seriously: you passed.

I can't remember if he had actually asked very easy questions or if I had the answers right when drawing the sequence on the board but what the teacher didn't know was that he left an impact with those words he said and I was going to fulfil my promise and study chemistry when the time was right.

I was already good at being curious and looking into subjects that would have some significant application on my everyday life. Like food. 

I started studying nutrients in foods since I was about 12 specially because I was into a lot of sports and needed to eat well. As a result, I had a basic knowledge of chemistry but was only when I moved to France years later that the association of different elements and the way they can help or affect our energy became a priority.

Many studies have been done on this subject of course, but I found that ultimately the best guidance is listening to one's own body needs and giving the particular nutrient/element that is lacking when required. 

In my case if I don't listen to my body early enough I will get the message in my dream, so sooner or later a reminder of Chemistry will come to the foreground.

Last night I dreamed of the element 19 that is "K" in the periodic table. I know that Potassium is involved in nerve function and that would explain why I woke up from the dream feeling pressure in my cervical disk area (neck), feeling all in all very weak and with an upset stomach.

I quickly thought of something I could find in the kitchen that would help and ate a banana. It took me forever to do this, firstly because I was sleepy and don't usually eat at night, secondly because I had no energy to accomplish such a task, even breathing seemed such an effort.
When I went back to bed, quickly fell asleep and my upset stomach seemed to be put to rest as well.

In the morning I was happy I had payed attention to my dream since the potassium and essential nutrients in the banana were easy to digest and provided me with what I needed to see me through the night until breakfast.