Friday 24 August 2012

Dream ~ Red Portal

As I woke up from my dream this morning I saw a red capsule door spinning slowly and disappearing into the distance as I was realising I was waking up.

I tried to keep the thought of what I was seeing in front of me, as to fall asleep again and dream more  but I opened my eyes instead, checked the time and saw the light of day through the curtains.

Best thing to do, I thought, is go to the computer and write it straight away ;-)

The small capsule door was kind of a metal one as the ones one can find on a capsule that is sent into space. The colour was deep red and the spinning of the light around it made me feel I just passed through that portal back to reality (back to my bed).

I looked it up and it appears that recently more and more people are having similar dreams.

This is what Mona Bhattacharya wrote about the red portal in May 2012.

The red portal is the opening for all energy rooted in the physical. Anything of solid form is created by the energy of the reds. Whenever you want to manifest something into your physical reality, accessing this energy is you friend. It could be money, a beautiful body, or a relationship!
Red is the native region of planet Earth and so it’s no surprise that all us earthlings always seek to manifest. When in the red, we are following one of our most fundamental instincts. Sharpening your instinct will make you attuned with your environment, helping you identify opportunities and act on them with swiftness and grace.
The red portal of the planet is opening. This is the portal that corresponds to the base of the spine. The organ it activate is the rectum. Over the past few weeks as we go through a global shift the amount of RED energy we have acces to has quadrupled.
I cannot express the importance of this shift and what it means. Firstly, it is the native center of the planet, so the planet is waking up on a visceral level. That means the earth, the lava, the trees – every physical thing on the planet is activation PHYSICALLY. And humans, being an animal species on the planet are also feeling this stimulation.
The red portal is the channel through which all of our earthly desires are fulfilled. The desire for abundance, the desire to FEEL good, the desire to feel at home- like we belong, the desire for body beauty, the desire for sex.
In case you are wondering – Desire is healthy. What makes desire unhealthy is our judgement of it. Desire is required for something to become itself. So for example if you desire sexual energy, its your “souls” way of letting you know that your creative active forces need rejuvenation. Problems arise when we are led falsely believe that “we dont have it” and need it from someone/somewhere else. The red portal is the source of this energy and tuning into it activates it.
The reason why this energy has been kept under wraps is because, it is the most powerful energy. When a person has activated this portal the desire is fulfilled and they are now resonating with LIFE FORCE. Yes! that what sexual energy is. If it creates life, it has the potential to create abundance, manifest anything, fulfill ALL needs.
A quick “how to” of the day-
How to create a need based culture?
Cut of supply to the red portal by tuning SEX into taboo. People should be told to not enjoy it, lead them away from it strategically. Create distraction, and feed with commodities.  :-)
How to create an abundance based culture?
Instill healthy empowerment of the red portal. Encourage enjoyment of life force energy. Cultivate the joy, bliss and power which is an inherent part of it. Let the body fulfill all need naturally.
Bliss is your BIRTH RIGHT!

The full article is here:

This was my sleep cycle this morning, I woke up and tried hard to fall back asleep but then got out of bed. The red portal happened just before 9am: